A C D I J K O S T 


CUDPP_ADD - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOperator
Addition of two operands
CUDPP_BASIC_HASH_TABLE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPHashTableType
Stores a single value per key.
CUDPP_BWT - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Burrows-Wheeler transform
CUDPP_CHAR - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Character type (C char) - Closest Java type: byte
CUDPP_COMPACT - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
CUDPP_COMPACTING_HASH_TABLE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPHashTableType
Assigns each key a unique identifier and allows O(1) translation between the key and the unique IDs.
CUDPP_COMPRESS - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Lossless data compression
CUDPP_DATATYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Invalid datatype (must be last in list)
CUDPP_DOUBLE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Double type (C double)
CUDPP_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPResult
Specified configuration is illegal.
CUDPP_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPResult
The function could not complete due to insufficient resources (typically CUDA device resources such as shared memory) for the specified problem size.
CUDPP_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPResult
Specified handle (for example, to a plan) is invalid.
CUDPP_ERROR_INVALID_PLAN - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPResult
The plan is not configured properly.
CUDPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPResult
Unknown or untraceable error.
CUDPP_FLOAT - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Float type (C float) - Closest Java type: float
CUDPP_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
The value that indicates that a hash key was not found
CUDPP_INT - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Integer type (C int) - Closest Java type: int
CUDPP_INVALID_HASH_TABLE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPHashTableType
Invalid hash table; flags error if used.
CUDPP_LISTRANK - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
List ranking
CUDPP_LONGLONG - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
64-bit integer type (C long long)
CUDPP_MAX - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOperator
Maximum of two operands
CUDPP_MIN - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOperator
Minimum of two operands
CUDPP_MTF - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Move-to-Front transform
CUDPP_MULTIPLY - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOperator
Multiplication of two operands
CUDPP_MULTIVALUE_HASH_TABLE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPHashTableType
Can store multiple values for each key.
CUDPP_OPERATOR_INVALID - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOperator
Invalid operator (must be last in list)
CUDPP_OPTION_BACKWARD - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOption
Algorithms operate backward: from end to start of array
CUDPP_OPTION_CTA_LOCAL - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOption
Algorithm performed only on the CTAs (blocks) with no communication between blocks.
CUDPP_OPTION_EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOption
Exclusive (for scans) - scan includes all elements up to (but not including) the current element
CUDPP_OPTION_FORWARD - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOption
Algorithms operate forward: from start to end of input array
CUDPP_OPTION_INCLUSIVE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOption
Inclusive (for scans) - scan includes all elements up to and including the current element
CUDPP_OPTION_KEY_VALUE_PAIRS - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOption
Each key has an associated value
CUDPP_OPTION_KEYS_ONLY - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPOption
No associated value to a key (for global radix sort)
CUDPP_RAND_MD5 - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Pseudo Random Number Generator using MD5 hash algorithm
CUDPP_REDUCE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
CUDPP_SCAN - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
CUDPP_SEGMENTED_SCAN - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Segmented scan
CUDPP_SHORT - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Short integer type (C short)
CUDPP_SORT_INVALID - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Placeholder at end of enum
CUDPP_SORT_MERGE - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Merge Sort
CUDPP_SORT_RADIX - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Radix sort within chunks, merge sort to merge chunks together
CUDPP_SORT_STRING - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
String Sort
CUDPP_SPMVMULT - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Sparse matrix - vector multiplication
CUDPP_SUCCESS - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPResult
No error.
CUDPP_TRIDIAGONAL - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPAlgorithm
Tridiagonal solver algorithm
CUDPP_UCHAR - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Unsigned character (byte) type (C unsigned char) - Closest Java type: byte
CUDPP_UINT - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Unsigned integer type (C unsigned int) - Closest Java type: int
CUDPP_ULONGLONG - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
64-bit unsigned integer type (C unsigned long long)
CUDPP_USHORT - Static variable in class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPDatatype
Short unsigned integer type (C unsigned short)
CUDPPAlgorithm - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
Algorithms supported by CUDPP.
cudppBurrowsWheelerTransform(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Performs the Burrows-Wheeler Transform.
cudppCompact(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Given an array d_in and an array of 1/0 flags in deviceValid, returns a compacted array in d_out of corresponding only the "valid" values from d_in.
cudppCompress(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Compresses data stream.
CUDPPConfiguration - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
Configuration struct used to specify algorithm, datatype, operator, and options when creating a plan for CUDPP algorithms.
CUDPPConfiguration() - Constructor for class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPConfiguration
Creates a new, uninitialized CUDPPConfiguration
cudppCreate(CUDPPHandle) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Creates an instance of the CUDPP library, and returns a handle.
CUDPPDatatype - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
Datatypes supported by CUDPP algorithms.
cudppDestroy(CUDPPHandle) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Destroys an instance of the CUDPP library given its handle.
cudppDestroyHashTable(CUDPPHandle, CUDPPHandle) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Destroys a hash table given its handle.
cudppDestroyPlan(CUDPPHandle) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Destroy a CUDPP Plan.
cudppDestroySparseMatrix(CUDPPHandle) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Destroy a CUDPP Sparse Matrix Object.
CUDPPHandle - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
Java port of a CUDPPHandle
CUDPPHandle() - Constructor for class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPHandle
Creates a new, uninitialized CUDPPHandle
cudppHashInsert(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Inserts keys and values into a CUDPP hash table.
cudppHashRetrieve(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Retrieves values, given keys, from a CUDPP hash table.
cudppHashTable(CUDPPHandle, CUDPPHandle, CUDPPHashTableConfig) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Creates a CUDPP hash table in GPU memory given an input hash table configuration; returns the plan for that hash table.
CUDPPHashTableConfig - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
Configuration struct for creating a hash table.
CUDPPHashTableConfig() - Constructor for class jcuda.jcudpp.CUDPPHashTableConfig
Creates a new, uninitialized CUDPPHashTableConfig
CUDPPHashTableType - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
Supported types of hash tables.
cudppListRank(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, long, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Performs list ranking of linked list node values.
cudppMergeSort(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Sorts key-value pairs or keys only.
cudppMoveToFrontTransform(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Performs the Move-to-Front Transform.
cudppMultiScan(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, long, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Performs numRows parallel scan operations of numElements each on its input (d_in) and places the output in d_out, with the scan parameters set by config.
cudppMultivalueHashGetAllValues(CUDPPHandle, Pointer) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Retrieves a pointer to the values array in a multivalue hash table.
cudppMultivalueHashGetValuesSize(CUDPPHandle, int[]) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Retrieves the size of the values array in a multivalue hash table.
CUDPPOperator - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
Operators supported by CUDPP algorithms (currently scan and segmented scan).
CUDPPOption - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
Options for configuring CUDPP algorithms.
cudppPlan(CUDPPHandle, CUDPPHandle, CUDPPConfiguration, long, long, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Create a CUDPP plan.
cudppRadixSort(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Sorts key-value pairs or keys only.
cudppRand(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Rand puts numElements random 32-bit elements into d_out.
cudppRandSeed(CUDPPHandle, int) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Sets the seed used for rand.
cudppReduce(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Reduces an array to a single element using a binary associative operator.
CUDPPResult - Class in jcuda.jcudpp
CUDPP Result codes returned by CUDPP API functions.
cudppScan(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Performs a scan operation of numElements on its input in GPU memory (d_in) and places the output in GPU memory (d_out), with the scan parameters specified in the plan pointed to by planHandle.
cudppSegmentedScan(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Performs a segmented scan operation of numElements on its input in GPU memory (d_idata) and places the output in GPU memory (d_out), with the scan parameters specified in the plan pointed to by planHandle.
cudppSparseMatrix(CUDPPHandle, CUDPPHandle, CUDPPConfiguration, long, long, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Create a CUDPP Sparse Matrix Object.
cudppSparseMatrixVectorMultiply(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Perform matrix-vector multiply y = A*x for arbitrary sparse matrix A and vector x.
cudppStringSort(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, byte, long, long) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Sorts strings.
cudppTridiagonal(CUDPPHandle, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, int, int) - Static method in class jcuda.jcudpp.JCudpp
Solves tridiagonal linear systems.