Package jcuda.jnpp.utilnpp

Java ports of the UtilNPP classes.


Interface Summary
Allocator<T extends NppType> Interface for an allocator.
Image Java interface that corresponds to the npp::Image class
Image.Size Interface that corresponds to the npp::Image::Size struct
ImagePacked<T extends NppType> Interface that corresponds to the npp::ImagePacked class.
ImagePacked.Pixel Dummy interface - not implemented yet

Class Summary
AbstractImage Abstract base class for Images
AbstractImagePacked<T extends NppType> Abstract base implementation of an ImagePacked.
DefaultSize Default implementation of a Image.Size
ImageAllocatorsCPU This class contains factory methods for creating CPU (host) memory allocators for different data types.
ImageAllocatorsNPP This class contains factory methods for creating CPU (host) memory allocators for different data types.
ImagesCPU This class provides a set of static inner classes for images with different types.
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU<T extends NppType> This class is the abstract base class for all CPU images.
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_16s_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_16s_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_16s_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_16u_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_16u_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_16u_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_32f_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_32f_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_32f_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_32s_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_32s_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_32s_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_8u_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_8u_C2 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_8u_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesCPU.ImageCPU_8u_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP This class provides a set of static inner classes for images with different types.
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP<T extends NppType> This class is the abstract base class for all NPP images.
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_16s_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_16s_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_16u_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_16u_C2 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_16u_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_16u_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_32f_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_32f_C2 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_32f_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_32f_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_32s_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_32s_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_32s_C4 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_8u_C1 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_8u_C2 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_8u_C3 Implementation of an image
ImagesNPP.ImageNPP_8u_C4 Implementation of an image

Package jcuda.jnpp.utilnpp Description

Java ports of the UtilNPP classes.

Package Specification

This package contains classes that are similar to the classes of the UtilNPP project by NVIDIA. Note that these classes are intended to mimic the original UtilNPP classes, although some of the concepts used there are not well-suited for Java. Utility classes that are more appropriate for Java may be built independently, or on top of these utility classes.